Wednesday 3 July 2013

Medieval Heralds

A modern re-enactor dressed as a herald. The aftermath of any medieval battle was a time for the heralds. It was generally heralds who were expected to identify the dead, but they also collected stories of the actions of nobles and knights so that the tale of the battle could be turned into songs or poems, and the main details recorded by chroniclers.
With thanks to the Medieval Combat Society.

from "The Battle of Chesterfield" by Rupert Matthews

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A book dedicated to the Battle of Chesterfield that ended the Baronial Wars of King Henry III against Simon de Montfort. After Simon de Montfort's death at the Battle of Evesham in 1265, his supporters rallied in Derbyshire. Sending messages to other reformers to rally to their cause the rebels were expecting help from the King of France, but it was Prince Edward (later King EdwardI) who got there first with a royal army. The resulting battle began in the fields south of the town, but moved into the streets of the town and ended in the churchyard where the last rebels surrendered. This book follows the standard pattern set by others in the Bretwalda Battles series. The reasons for and course of the war in question are outlined, then detailed analyses of weapons, tactics and strategies are given with particular reference to this battle. The course of the battleis then followed, with comment on what there is to see at the site today. Short biographies of the commanders are also given. The aftermath of the battle, its effects and importance to the progress of the war are then described. The "Bretwalda Battles" series has been running with increasing success as ebooks for some time. Now the first books in the series are being published in print format.

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