Thursday 28 March 2013

Karyn Dolan on 9/11 Theories

if you had the chance to ask Obama two questions on Through the Keyhole what would they be? They don't have to be 9/11 or Alex Jones related they could be on UFOs or anything.

Karyn Dolan: I completely believe that 9/11 was an inside job, and I said so to Rich the day it happened. By that I mean that someone in our government either helped plan it, perhaps only knew about it ahead of time and didn't do anything to stop it, or did something that day that allowed the attacks to occur. I believe that the most horrifying thing about that day, and there was plenty of horror in it, was the realization that human life is of no account to those who were supposedly elected to lead us, to look out for us. We are totally expendable, and they will sacrifice us in a heartbeat for their personal gain. That kept me up for a lot of nights after 9/11, and sometimes still does.
Rich didn't agree with me at first, but later, as we both watched the investigation and the evidence that was uncovered, he began to believe it as well. What actually happened that day? Setting aside the loss of human life (which was horrific, but clearly of no account to the perpetrators), the World Trade Center was attacked. The two tallest towers and one smaller building were destroyed. So the two most visible parts of the complex were the first to go; that was a shocking visible reminder of the "Terrorist Threat" that was pounded into our awareness over the following weeks, months, years. Yet, the businesses that had offices there, also had offices elsewhere. It didn't really cripple our nation financially, not in the way the newscasters told us it would. The important thing about that was the fear factor. And I think that's a big reason why the towers still haven't been rebuilt, even this many years later. That scar on the skyline is more important in some ways than building the memorial; otherwise, it would be done by now. It's been eight years, for heavens' sake, and the site was cleared quickly – all the evidence was removed immediately and sold as scrap metal before it could be examined by any forensic specialists. 
The destruction of the smaller building, Building 7, has never been satisfactorily explained. The best theory I've heard is that the command center for the events of 9/11 was located in that building, and it was destroyed in order to hide evidence of that fact. I don't know enough to say it's true or not, but it sounds more plausible to me than any of the official explanations that I've heard so far.
Aside from that, the Pentagon building was damaged, but not too badly. There was, again, a shocking loss of innocent lives, but the facility was up and running in a very short time. There is also some indication that some embarrassing financial records were conveniently destroyed. Finally, we were told that the last plane was heading toward the White House, but it never came anywhere near hitting its target. So the public's perception was that our nation's capital, our defense system, and our financial system were all attacked, but truly, no real damage occurred to the systems themselves. A couple of buildings were destroyed, a few more were damaged, some evidence of financial misconduct was disposed of, and it was all covered up by the deaths of thousands of innocent people. We were mostly too stunned and grief-stricken to raise any questions, and anyone who tried to do so was labeled unpatriotic and told to go shopping to stimulate the economy. The real result was fear, which allowed the passage of the Patriot Act and a host of other laws that would never have been tolerated prior to the 9/11 attacks.
There's a huge body of research that's been done on this. I highly recommend David Ray Griffin's book, The New Pearl Harbor, for anyone interested in pursuing this any further. I saw enough to convince me that the official explanation requires more credulity than most of the alternative theories, but I haven't tried to solve the mystery of what actually happened that day. Many others have taken up that task, and I urge everyone reading this at least to consider with an open mind, the evidence these people have amassed before making your decision either way.
As far as asking Obama anything...I don't know that I'd bother. I wouldn't expect to get a straight answer from anyone in his position. He may not even have the answers to my questions. I don't think the person holding the office of President necessarily knows all the secrets; I bet people like Dick Cheney and Bush, Sr. have that information. But if I thought he could or would answer, I'd ask Obama who was really behind 9/11, and what's being kept secret about UFOs.

from "Para News" by Richard Thomas

Buy your copy HERE

Book Description

11 Oct 2012
A gripping account of the very latest developments in the esoteric worlds of conspiracy theories, Ufology, paranormal investigations and the bizarre. Most people will have heard of UFOs, ghosts and yetis, but what about the wilder shores of the paranormal, the conspiracy theorists and down right bizarre? In this book, one of the world's leading and most prolific paranormal bloggers takes readers on a voyage of discovery like no other ever written. The key players are interviewed, explaining their views on the JFK assassination, the shadowy and sinister Illuminati, the influential Bilderberg Group, allegations of an incipient New World Order, cover ups and how hidden messages can be found in Hollywood movies such as Blade Runner and TV shows including the X-Files. Dean Haglund, Richard Dolan, Steve Watson, Richard Holland, Nick Pope, Timucin Leflef, Bryce Zabel, Christopher Knowles and Nick Redfern are all here. The book takes a critical look at timeslips, ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, mind control, aliens, disinformation, black-ops, the Bermuda Triangle and a host of other paranormal phenomena. Social Media * Dedicated FaceBook page for this book refreshed daily during launch month, thereafter weekly for one year. All FB fans of Bretwalda will be alerted to publication. * Will feature on publishers Blog and Twitter accounts Marketing Highlights * Viral video to be released in October 2012 * Author is regular contributor to several leading paranormal and esoteric blogs and will be trailing the publication frequently.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Victory in London: The Inside Story of the Boris Campaign

Want to catch up on the real story behind the interviews and tv shows? This is the book for you.

Buy your copy HERE
Buy your ebook HERE

Book Description

The inside story of the campaign to put Boris Johnson back into power as London Mayor told by one of the top members of his campaign team who was at Boris's side throughout. In 2012 the political stakes could not be higher. After one term in office and despite enjoying personal popularity, Boris Johnson faced an uphill battle for re-election as Mayor of London. Buffeted by Tory unpopularity, the toughest financial conditions in years and accusations that he was out of touch and Mayor, Boris faced the fight of his political life. And to top it all, he was up against Ken Livingstone, one of the most formidable and ruthless campaigners in British politics. This is the first and most authoritative book about Boris Johnson's re-election. Told by an insider, it will reveal the inner workings of the campaign and how one of the most high profile politicians in the country and his extraordinary team pulled off an election victory that was closer than anyone dared think. Based on an unprecedented level of access to all the key players, including Boris himself and campaign director Lynton Crosby, this is a must read for anyone interested in politics. * Launch Event at Conservative Party Conference. * High profile political bloggers will push the book * Sunday newspaper serialisation under negotiation Social Media * The book will be "Book of the Month" for Bretwalda for November 2012 which will involve an intensive FaceBook and Twitter push as well as the usual book launch marketing.

Monday 25 March 2013

NEW BOOK - The Battle of Toulouse

Product Description

By the spring of 1814 the Peninsular War was nearing its climax. The British army under Wellington was invading southern France, but they were faced by a larage French army under the cunning French Marshal Soult. Wellington’s attack on Toulouse was to prove to be one of his hardest fought actions.

The British, Portuguese and Spanish armies of Lord Wellington had defeated the French in Spain and were now invading France itself. They mustered about 40,000 men, but sheltering behind the fortified city of Toulouse was French Marshal Soult with 49,000 men.

But all was not what it seemed. The city was rife with French royalists just waiting the chance to change sides, while Wellington was terrified his men would take to looting and rape, turning the French civilians against them. What followed proved to be a masterpiece of defensive fighting by Soult while Wellington was - for once - cautious and outmanoeuvred.

Written by a military author of great experience, this book explains the way battles were fought two centuries ago and explains the course of the action in an accessible but authoritative style.

This lavishly illustrated ebook is a must for anyone interested in the Peninsular War. It includes not only an account of the action itself, but studies of the commanders, the armies, the weapons and the tactics as well.

Buy your copy HERE

Friday 22 March 2013

Len Osanic and the Lone Gunman Theory

Back in April 2008 I wrote about how it was the JFK Assassination, and its modern day counterpart 9/11, that first really got me seriously interested in events and ideas that way too many intelligent people sadly debunk as "conspiracy theory." Looking back on it now, I used to be one of these "intelligent people" until I started listening to shows like Len Osanic's comprehensive Black Op Radio (easily the best podcast dealing in the realms of parapolitics) so I was very excited when Len agreed to do an interview with us. What is more, it will allow us to cover the JFK conspiracy, and cover-up, with some depth.

Richard Thomas: First things first, thank you so much for giving the Room 101 readers the time to answer these questions. I'm a big fan of the show and I'm sure many of the RR readers are too, so it's really appreciated. I believe you hail from outside the US, like me. Some might think it a little unusual that you host a show dedicated to researching the death of a US President. How did you first become interested in the JFK Assassination and what's the origin of Black Op Radio?

Len Osanic: Years ago, I wrote to Col. Fletcher Prouty [Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy and later a prominent critic of the CIA - ed.]. We became friends and I produced a CD-ROM for him. I started doing radio show interviews with him. When he became ill, I continued on my own. After that, I thought I could do a better job asking the questions, since I knew the topic quite well. That was back in 2000 some 430 shows ago.  

Richard Thomas: Growing up with the Zapruder film footage regularly played on various documentaries about the assassination, I'd always just assumed Kennedy got shot from the front. So it was a bit of a shock to discover that according to the Warren Commission, Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot the President from behind. What, for you, is the best smoking gun evidence pointing towards a conspiracy?

Len Osanic: The photo of CIA General Edward Lansdale in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, the day of the assassination.

Richard Thomas: If you had to point out another two or more reasons for dismissing the so-called Lone Gunman Theory what would they be?

Len Osanic: The fraud of CE399 (The bullet) and almost all of the Warren Commission. I mean, all the evidence exonerates Lee Oswald. Of course, The Sixth Floor Museum is the biggest fraud of all, trying to obscure the fact that Dallas was the city that allowed the murder to happen.

Richard Thomas: Other than the ridiculous lone nut Oswald theory, there seems to basically be three main schools of thought among researchers on who was responsible for the assassination. Roughly they can be broken down as: the Communist (the Soviet Union and/or Cuba), the Mob and CIA. Personally, I think "the Communists" is exactly what the real conspirator's wanted us to think, but what are your thoughts?

Len Osanic: It appears that the Joint Chiefs wanted to invade Cuba and I suspect Lee Oswald was supposed to have been flown there by Jack Ruby. It may be that Officer Tippit refused to escort Lee to the airport once he learned JFK had been shot and he was killed before he revealed the plot.  [according to the Warren Commission version of events Tippit was shot while trying to arrest Oswald - ed.]

from Para-News by Richard Thomas. 

Book Description

11 Oct 2012
A gripping account of the very latest developments in the esoteric worlds of conspiracy theories, Ufology, paranormal investigations and the bizarre. Most people will have heard of UFOs, ghosts and yetis, but what about the wilder shores of the paranormal, the conspiracy theorists and down right bizarre? In this book, one of the world's leading and most prolific paranormal bloggers takes readers on a voyage of discovery like no other ever written. The key players are interviewed, explaining their views on the JFK assassination, the shadowy and sinister Illuminati, the influential Bilderberg Group, allegations of an incipient New World Order, cover ups and how hidden messages can be found in Hollywood movies such as Blade Runner and TV shows including the X-Files. Dean Haglund, Richard Dolan, Steve Watson, Richard Holland, Nick Pope, Timucin Leflef, Bryce Zabel, Christopher Knowles and Nick Redfern are all here. The book takes a critical look at timeslips, ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, mind control, aliens, disinformation, black-ops, the Bermuda Triangle and a host of other paranormal phenomena. Social Media * Dedicated FaceBook page for this book refreshed daily during launch month, thereafter weekly for one year. All FB fans of Bretwalda will be alerted to publication. * Will feature on publishers Blog and Twitter accounts Marketing Highlights * Viral video to be released in October 2012 * Author is regular contributor to several leading paranormal and esoteric blogs and will be trailing the publication frequently.

Thursday 21 March 2013

NEW BOOK - The Battles of the Pyrenees 1813-14

Author:            Oliver Hayes

By the summer of 1813 the Peninsular War had reached a crisis. The British army under Wellington was poised to invade France, but he was faced by the towering Pyrenees mountains and the cunning French Marshal Soult. What followed was a classic campaign of mountain fighting.

The British, Portuguese and Spanish armies of Lord Wellington had defeated the French in Spain and were poised to invade France itself. They mustered about 62,000 men, but on the far side of the mountains was French Marshal Soult with 79,000 men.

What followed was a complex series of actions, countermarches and manoeuvres that saw the two armies thrust and parry among the mountain passes and defiles. Men froze on the heights, horses starved for lack of fodder, and yet the fighting went on. It was one of Wellington’s most arduous and prolonged campaigns.

Written by a military author of great experience, this book explains the way battles were fought two centuries ago and explains the course of the action in an accessible but authoritative style.

This lavishly illustrated ebook is a must for anyone interested in the Peninsular War. It includes not only an account of the action itself, but studies of the commanders, the armies, the weapons and the tactics as well.

Buy your copy HERE