Thursday, 11 October 2012

The Red Guards of Iceland

(Chapter 11, page 70: who died in the conflict on Austurvöllur Square in Reykjavik.  *)

Riots at Austurvöllur in March 1949 were protests against Iceland joining NATO. The riots were organised by opponents of NATO, led by the Communists. The Althing was attacked by protesters, with many sustaining injuries. The police assisted by “white-guards” dispersed the crowd, using tear gas. The most violent riots in Iceland were at Guttó beside the Parliament building in 1932 when the “red-guards” overwhelmed Iceland’s police force. The Communist leaders were trained in Moscow.

An explanation of historical echoes in the book "Vulture's Lair" by Hallur Hallsson

About the book

The Closed mind paves the way to serfdom, where Nay is Hell's estate and the Devil its landlord ... A gripping political thriller set in the future, when Europe has become a fully federal superstate.

A political elite is out of control ... A lone man is seeking the truth ... Murder, and intrigue leading to the Vulture's Lair.

The highest ranking Icelandic official at the United States of Europe, Sólman Smithson, arrives at the Berlaymont as his old friend Krummi from the Westman Islands is fighting off armed guards.
The Vulture is looking at its prey.

The first democratically elected president of Europe is installed into power. As momentum builds in Iceland for breaking away from the Great European State, there is a plot at highest places to prevent it, as well as against the President ... All that has happened, can happen, and all that can happen, happens in the eternal stream of time.

The Vulture moves toward its prey. Fate decrees that only the big fisherman from Iceland stands in the way of the dark forces of chaos. But can he survive long enough to make a difference? ... The Vulture closes in.

Nay has gun in hand,
army to command,
creates Hell in land
of the Closed mind.
The Devil is landlord.


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