(Chapter 1, page 5: …
The giant Islander grins; his white teeth flashing in his
pitch-black beard, eagle eyes sparkle with pride and prowess ... * )
Njálsson a character in Njal’s Saga, a big and a strong warrior,
confident and concise in speech; his white teeth flashing as he faced his
adversaries. One of the Njal’s Saga most memorable descriptions is of
Skarphéðinn sliding on the ice of Markarfljót river, killing his enemies with
his axe Rimmugýgi.
1, page 8: … calls Mangi Steffensen, the Governor of Iceland. *)
Stephensen, (1836–1917) last Danish governor of Iceland serving
1886–1904. As a Danish official, Stephensen, was looked upon by many as a
Danish ass-licker, but his comment sums up his contradictions that he felt like
a louse between nail and a hammer: his countrymen and the Danes.
(Chapter 4, page 43: … Has Krummi lost his
shadow? *)
“the learned” Sigfússon (1056–1133) was an Icelandic priest
and scholar. He is believed to have studied at Black School in Paris. In
Icelandic folklore, Sæmundr is a larger-than-life character who repeatedly
tricked the Devil into doing his bidding. Sæmundr wrote on the history of
Norwegian kings. The work is now lost but was used as a source by later
authors, including Snorri Sturluson.
About the book
A gripping political thriller set a few years into the
future when the EU has become a fully federal superstate. A political
elite out of control. A lone man seeking the truth Murder, mayhem and
intrigue leading to the Vulture's Lair Brussels. The highest ranking
Icelandic official at the United States of Europe, Solman Smithson,
hears the voice of his old friend Krummi, who is fighting off armed
guards. Krummi and Solman grew up together in the Westman Islands but
while Solman became a bureaucrat, Krummi went to sea as one of Iceland's
last fishermen. The Vulture is looking down on its prey. The chance
encounter takes place as the new president, Erich Devereux, is installed
into power. But rumours circulate that corrupt votes put him in power.
Murders and violent attacks on journalists and academics proliferate in
an apparently unconnected way. And as momentum builds in Iceland for
independence from the USE the tempo of violence and intrigue quickens.
The Vulture moves toward its prey. Fate decrees that only the big
fisherman from the Westman Islands stands in the way of the dark forces
of chaos. But can a fisherman from Iceland work out what is really going
on. And can he survive long enough to make a difference. The Vulture
closes in.
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