Friday, 21 February 2014

Things to do in Roman Britain - 7. Shopping in Londinium

Things to do in Roman Britain - 7. Shopping in Londinium

Whenever you time your visit, Londinium is a must-see location. It’s one of the earliest Roman conurbations, and while you’ll have to time your visit to avoid Boudicca’s, at least you’ll have some advanced warning to head out of town if you time it badly (there’s a ship leaving with the governor for Gaul in twenty minutes). On the other hand, for most of the rest of the time you’ll find an important city that is a major political power centre, on the trade routes across the Channel. Want the latest in continental fashions? Come to the market stalls of Londinium: you certainly won’t find them on the frontier! 

from  The Discerning Barbarian's Guidebook to Roman Britain: People to Meet and Places to Plunder [Paperback] by Lee Rotherham

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