Tourist Seasons for visiting Roman Britain
Arranging your visit to
Roman Britain is a tricky choice. Every season has something special to offer.
In the high season (from
around AD 43 to AD 180) you can witness the height of the Roman experience. Set
in densely populated countryside from even before the Conquest, Roman towns are
growing and then flourishing. Trade expands. Theatres and amphitheatres spread
across the land, allowing visitors access to the highlights of the
not-so-ancient world. Despite some periods of civil war, these mostly take
place far away and lead to minimal destruction and third party burning to
interfere with your holiday arrangements. This is a silver age holiday ideal
for silver age holidaymakers.
Mid-season (say AD180 to
AD 370) and there are rocky periods. Occasionally, accommodation is patchy as
civil war kicks off, sometimes with Britain as the starting point for a little
provincial insurrection. The importance of the island waxes and wanes.
Sometimes it is at the very heart of all that is Rome, as Emperors come to wage
war in the north of the island. Two great emperors are even proclaimed here in
these very shores during this period. But this is also the period of slipping
decline. The territory is divided into smaller provinces in their own right;
and the island forms part of smaller imperial patches as the great empire is
occasionally broken up into two or four to make it more manageable. Travelling
during this period can be more exciting and there are fantastic people to meet,
but it can also be less comfortable for more exacting travellers. The great
villas for example no longer provide the same sort of accommodation
opportunities as of old, and are often replaced with more basic amenities.
The low season by
contrast (perhaps AD 370 to AD 478) is ideal for backpackers, particularly
those that bring their own transport, such as a raiding ship. The last great
flourish of Roman culture does not end with complete and sudden extinction,
however. Roman forces are mostly withdrawn first as part of the ongoing civil
wars of the period, and then to fight off persistent barbarian threats on the
continent. Roman reinforcements do briefly cross the channel to support what
remains of local government, but the country splits and power is fragmented.
The great towns decline. Trade becomes more difficult, and merchants reading
this book may be more inclined to barter with contacts amongst the new
barbarian settlers in the east than take their chances with the sub-roman world
in which old rules and laws are often arbitrarily upheld by petty tyrants. Coins
become rarer, and even if the move outside of direct rule from Rome around AD
410 still leaves a lot of quite wealthy people around, what’s happening over in
Gaul and beyond makes everyone nervous that the whole system is going down the
drains. But it is an exciting time all the same, and provides opportunities for
settlers seeking new lands, plus plenty of hiring opportunities for
professional soldiers who want to keep well away from the highly dangerous
fighting that involves Attila the Hun over in northern Gaul. Even after direct
rule from Rome ends, some embers of Roman existence continue to glimmer in the
West of Britain, and reward the patient traveller with a hint as to what has
been lost in this new pan-Barbarian age. Note, however, that currency becomes
rare: yours will be valued, but be prepared to barter.
As we go through some of
our profiled spots, you’ll also find a box with information in italics. This is
for the benefit of those poor people who can’t visit Roman Britain at all,
because they have to come out of season, in the twenty first century. Things
aren’t so wonderful by then. You’ll have to dig for your Roman memories. But
there are still traces of the old magic, and students who are gifted with a
hint of imagination and understanding will be lucky enough to gaze on some
ancient treasures.
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